Equipping and inspiring students to impact the world for Christ
Welcome to Legacy Christian School, an Anabaptist, K-12 school located in Sugarcreek, Ohio. LCS seeks to provide a high-quality, Christian education from an Anabaptist perspective. The community school is composed of over 250 students from many different families and churches. Our goal is to work alongside churches and families to equip and inspire students to impact the world for Christ.
LCS focuses on training students in four key areas: academic excellence, music appreciation, Anabaptist worldview, and spiritual growth. We work toward accomplishing these goals by using carefully sourced, nationally recognized curriculum, teaching choral music to all grade levels, teaching Anabaptist history and worldview, and incorporating Bible classes and Bible memory for all ages.
LCS staff members are Bible believing Christians who have a passion for teaching. Most teachers in grades K-6 teach all core subjects, providing stability for students. In grades 7-12 teachers focus on subjects they are most suited to teach, providing a diverse learning experience for the students. Breakthrough teachers provide additional support for students through the Barton Reading Program and extra tutoring.
The staff, students, families, and churches work together to build a school that builds the Kingdom of Christ.
Many families working together is what makes LCS able to provide education to the community.
Administrative Staff
Zac Miller
Administrator | High School Team Leader
Zac Miller
2013 – 14
I enjoy reading, building (adult-size) Lego sets, and traveling.
Thailand, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Greece, Turkey, the Netherlands, France, the UK, Belgium, Italy, and Germany
I teach for the love of learning and development, both in the students and myself.
Shelly Troyer
Shelly Troyer
Technically 2017-2018, but in this position 2023-2024
Decorating, taking care of plants, and being outside
Canada, Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Columbia, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, Romania, Thailand
I recognize the value that a good education has given me and would like to offer my gifts to help others develop into healthy people as well.
Kipp Mullet
Kipp Mullet
Hunting, Target Archery, Podcasts, Landscaping.
Colombia, Mexico, Jamaica, Canada
Purpose. Development of others and myself.
Mark Miller
Mark Miller
Bryan Miller
Middle School Team Leader | Facility & Events
Bryan Miller
Middle School Team Leader | Facility & Events
Hunting, playing softball, enjoying the outdoors
Haiti and India
I love interacting with the students and seeing them grow in their walk of life.
Emily Miller
Elementary Team Leader
Emily Miller
Elementary Team Leader
Reading, spending time with friends, embroidery, playing ukulele
Haiti, Jamaica
I love being around and working with kids. Having the privilege to teach the future generation is inspiring and viewing life from a child’s perspective is a constant reminder to enjoy the little things.
Elementary Staff
Christina Taylor
Kindergarten A
Christina Taylor
Kindergarten A
I’m a natural extrovert, and my happiness thrives when I’m surrounded by people. This involves things like discovering new places, going on tiny adventures, trying new coffee shops, and spending quality time with the people that I love. But I also love traveling, baking, photography, and doing anything ocean related.
Switzerland, England, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Mexico, Canada.
I am involved in school as a teacher because I believe in the power of education to shape lives and communities. Being a part of the school environment allows me to share knowledge, inspire young minds, and contribute to the growth and development of future generations. It’s a platform where I can foster a love for learning and for others. Watching students discover and learn new things is undeniably one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. I am grateful and thrilled to be a part of the team at Legacy.
Jerilyn Miller
Kindergarten B
Jerilyn Miller
Kindergarten B
Painting, fishing, cooking, knitting
Rome, Costa Rica, Greece,
I teach because I love seeing the spark of learning in young kids and helping them flourish into little humans who love learning and being kind.
Mariah Miller
1st Grade A
Mariah Miller
1st Grade A
reading, baking, fourwheelering
Thailand, Belieze, Morocco, PEI
I love the kiddos.
Abigail Troyer
1st Grade B
Abby Troyer
1st Grade B
Hiking, reading, and traveling
Thailand, Egypt, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Malaysia, Cambodia, Jamaica, and 48/50 US states.
For years of my life, teaching was an avenue to spread the gospel. Teaching at LCS looks different, but the reason remains the same. Every child, no matter the culture or background, needs Jesus.
Elizabeth Yoder
2nd Grade A
Elizabeth Yoder
2nd Grade A
reading, being outdoors, spending time with family and friends
Phoenix, AZ
I enjoy working with kids, especially in a setting with endless learning possibilities, it’s rewarding to see them grow and learn new things everyday.
Janae Stoltzfus
4th Grade A
Janae Stoltzfus
4th Grade A
Reading, Sports, Traveling
El Salvador, Belize, The Grand Canyon, Zion National Park
I love learning and seeing the students light up when they understand a concept. I also love working with children.
Brianna Miller
2nd Grade B
Brianna Miller
2nd Grade A
crocheting, cooking, and coffee
Canada, Panama, Columbia, France, The UK, Switzerland, Haiti, and Jamaica
I teach to build relationships and to help kids grow. I have always loved school and the culture at Legacy. Christian education is the future, and I hope to show Christ to my kids in the way I teach.
Maria Smoker
4th Grade B
Maria Smoker
4th Grade B
anything outdoors, playing sports, arts and crafts
Romania, Canada, Grenada
I’ve always loved working with children and have always been passionate about seeing them succeed in life. I believe that education and school play big roles in a child’s success not only academically but also socially and spiritually.
Nicole Beachy
3rd Grade
Nicole Beachy
3rd Grade
spending time with friends, playing volleyball, shopping, cooking and trying new foods
Jamaica and Barcelona, Spain
I love working with Children, and I love all the relationships I get to build at school.
Evah Byler
3rd Grade Assistant | K Art
Evah Byler
3rd Grade Assistant
I love being outside, shopping, cooking, and hanging out with my friends.
I have traveled a little in the U.S. but not to other countries.
I teach because I love kids and this is something I have wanted to do for a long time! It also gives me a sense of purpose to be doing something that matters!
Middle School Staff
Mikayla Beachy
5th Grade
Mikayla Beachy
5th Grade
sports, reading, traveling
Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, costa rica, bolivia, chile, canada
I love interacting with kids, and my desire is to make school a super fun/ safe place
Wynn Miller
7th Grade B
Wynn Miller
7th Grade B
I love playing guitar, programming computers, reading books of all sorts, and playing boardgames.
Israel, Jordan, Tajikistan, Turkiye, Haiti, and Romania
I’ve loved LCS and its mission for as long I’ve been a part of it as a student and love the opportunity to serve the community. I get passionate about learning and love sharing that excitement with others.
Chloe Schrock
5th Grade Assistant
Alexa Kurtz
5th Grade
hiking, sports, and reading.
Italy, Greece, Canada
I got to take a student teaching class, and realized how much I love building relationships with the students as I taught. The more I work with my students, the more excited I become to continue to show them the way of Christ as we learn. This is so important and is the reason I teach.
Patrick Mullet
8th Grade
Patrick Mullet
8th Grade
Grilling/Smoking, Disc golf, woodworking, hunting
Italy, Israel, Romania
Sharing experiences with others is important to me. While my students weren’t there at a historical event, or with me when I traveled to Italy or tried a unique food, sharing these with them will hopefully broaden their horizons and spark interest in new and exciting things.
William Yutzy
6th Grade
William Yutzy
6th Grade A
Reading, sports, hiking, and traveling
Iceland, Jamaica, Canada, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic
Teaching is a very fulfilling profession, and I enjoy spending time with kids.
Jordan Stoltzfoos
7th Grade A
Jordan Stoltzfoos
7th Grade A
Sports, reading, traveling
Every state except New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska. England, Ireland, Scotland, Kenya, Grenada, El Salvador
Christian Education provides an opportunity to make an eternal impact on the lives of my students. I love the excitement and hope of working with young people. Teaching is something I feel called to, and it’s the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done..
High School Staff
Brevon Miller
9th Grade Homeroom
Brevon Miller
9th Grade Homeroom
2022 – 2023
Assimilating stimulating art (be it books, podcasts, movies, paintings, etc.).
England, Greece, the Netherlands, Canada, Belize
I am teaching because I want students to love learning. I want to inculcate in them a fierce curiosity and an inquisitive mind.
Lillian King
Student Life Coordinator
Lillian King
10th Grade Homeroom
playing volleyball, embroidery, doing sodoku puzzles, paint-by-number
Israel, Thailand, Japan, Greece, Romania, Ukraine
I teach for the relationship that it brings. I love the opportunity to be involved in young women’s lives and to show them more of who Christ is and what He has done.
Katelyn Sensenig
10th Grade Homeroom
Katelyn Sensenig
10th Grade Homeroom
Hiking, bouldering
Honduras, Mexico, Bangladesh, India, China, Thailand, Lous, Greece, Türkiye, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark
I want to inspire students to be curious and become lifelong learners.
Brian Lapp
11th Grade Homeroom
Brian Lapp
11th Grade Homeroom
Reading, Piano, Bookbinding, Volleyvall
Canada, New York City, Rocky Mountains
I love education and the process of learning. I also love sharing what I learn with other. I think that Christian education is vital to our communities and this is my way of participating in it.
Toby Miller
12th Grade Homeroom
Toby Miller
12th Grade Homeroom
Reading stories, golfing, studying the Old Testament
Vancouver, Mexico, Living in Boston
Because I love teaching the Bible and want to build relationships with students
Breakthrough Staff
Amy Hershberger
Breakthrough Team Leader
Amy Hershberger
Breakthrough Team Leader
Exploring cities, coffee with friends, hiking, camping
Ireland, Belize, Canada
Teaching brings me joy, and I believe education is very important. One way I can impact the Kingdom is through teaching.
Janelle Yoder
Breakthrough Teacher
Janelle Yoder
Breakthrough Teacher
Reading, Thrifting
Belize; Lesvos, Greece; Uganda, Africa
I teach to empower children to think positively about themselves and the world around them. Children are the future.
Tiffani Miller
Breakthrough Teacher
Tiffani Miller
Breakthrough Teacher
reading, music, needlework, foosball, spikeball
Canada, England, Holland, Greece, Turkey
I am teaching at school because education is needed for basic functioning in life. Without learning how to read or write at school, you wouldn’t know how to read common things such as road signs or which type of milk your mom asked you to buy at the store. Words are all around us. Another reason I am teaching at school is because I believe education is a valuable tool that we can use to further God’s kingdom. Not everyone needs to be a speed reader or publish ten page articles every week, but we do need to know how to read the Bible and how respond to people’s questions about Christianity. Our children need to know how to function within the basic world so that they have the ability and tools to further God’s kingdom. That is why I decided to teach at school.
Elizabeth Ballantine
Breakthrough Teacher
Elizabeth Ballantine
Breakthrough Teacher
Reading, DIY projects, travel, cooking, learning about all things brain and behavior
I believe that God has called me to invest in and advocate for children. I love building relationships with children and watching them learn.
Mary Etta Troyer
Breakthrough Teacher
Mary Etta Troyer
Breakthrough Teacher
Music and Art Staff
Franklin Miller
5-12 Music
Franklin Miller
5-12 Music
Soccer, grilling, biking, pickleball,
Dominican Republic, Haiti, Costa Rica, Romania, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, England, Wales, Ireland.
I ended up in music due to my youth group voting me in to be choir director kind of as a joke. I saw the positive impact group music making has on people and communities. My goal is to give every student the tools to participate in group singing and instill a love of music that stays with them well beyond graduation.
Stephanie Miller
1-2 Art
Stephanie Miller
1-2 Art
Daniel Yutzy
3-4 Music
Daniel Yutzy
3-4 Music
Guitar, running, Pickleball, reading, disc golf, volleyball
Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, México Paraguay Brazil Argentina Canada turkey greece Italy Switzerland Germany Poland Ireland Scotland England New Zealand 48 States
I love seeing others grow, and sharing what I know. I’m passionate about moving our culture to love what lasts
Regina Brubaker
Elementary Music
Regina Brubaker
Elementary Music
Scotland, Ireland, England, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, North Africa, Jamaica.
The design of creation begs us to look and to see. I enjoy the opportunities for growth in understanding of the world and our place in it.
Melody Schrock
3-12 Art
Melody Schrock
3-12 Art
Library Staff
Lauren Miller
Head Librarian
Lauren Miller
Head Librarian
Currently, all faculty positions are filled for the 2023-2024 school year. To apply, contact the office (office@legacychristian.school).
If you have questions about potential employment, please contact Zac Miller, principal, at zac.miller@legacychristian.school or 330-852-4322.